G Scott Brown Leadership

6 Practices You Must Perform to Be Strategic in the Workplace

6 Practices You Must Perform to
Be Strategic in the Workplace


Whether you’re the boss, a partner, or an employee, it pays to develop your strategic thinking skills in the workplace....

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4 Big Things that Hold You Back from Reaching Your Peak

You’re probably doing pretty well in your career. You did well in college, you’ve got a good job, or you’re establishing a business. But there’s something that is stopping...

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6 Ways Practicing Gratitude Makes You Happier

6 Ways Practicing Gratitude Makes You Happier

You may not realize that noticing the good things in your life can make you happier. If you’re striving to improve all the time, always reaching...

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The Deeper Meaning of Being Happy

The Deeper Meaning of Being Happy

You probably have “being happy” at the top of your Good Life list. After all, everyone wants to be happy, right? And we’re surrounded by images...

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5 Reasons Why Change is Good for Us

Sometimes change can feel a bit scary. After all, it’s not called your Comfort Zone for nothing! But change is inevitable and even necessary if you are to learn and grow and get the most out...

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"Successful" Intelligence

In his book, Successful Intelligence, Robert J. Sternberg offers a contemporary definition of what adds up to real, useful, sought-after intelligence.

Far from the old idea of IQ, which is...

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5 Signs That Youā€™re Ready for a Change

5 Signs That You’re Ready for a Change

 Day to day life can be all-consuming. The minutia of our days defines our schedules while we allow our brains to operate on autopilot. Sometimes...

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How Are You Pursuing Your Dreams?

In the next few blogs, I want to help you Put Your Dream To The Test.

Most people I know have a dream.

Most people have no idea how to achieve their dreams.

My desire is to be like one of those...

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Focused Thinking

Continuing our study on How Successful People Think, by John Maxwell.

Focused Thinking is intensive concentration in order to gain clarity on the specifics of a challenge and reach the core of the...

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Bottom-Line Thinking

Continuing on the topic of How Successful People Think, by John Maxwell

Bottom-Line Thinking is an intense focus on driving results.

How does it work?

Bottom-Line Thinking requires a dedication to...

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